EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection - Test #1 - Jan. 7

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #1.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test? In addition, discuss your thoughts of today's activities.


  1. test #1 was a writing a descriptive essay on a chosen topic. writing a descriptive essay was a challenging for me because sometimes choosing the right particular word that you want to use to describe what you are trying to visiualize can be very challenging. Writing this test, i refered to the writing process i learned from the book. the writing process was a tremendous help. it helped me organize my ideas into a logical flow. for any future writing assignments, i am again going to use the writing process to help prepare my writing materials.

    1. I also referred to the writing process as my guide.

    2. Yes indeed, writing this essay was challenging because of detail it has to be

    3. It is challenging because you don't know if the reader will understand your story.

    4. I agree, referring to the book was a big help to me when I was writing my essay and even the writing process worksheet.

    5. i forgot today's class was fun and inter-active

    6. The hardest part for me was writing the thesis. It was challenging because I had to intertwine a description within it.

    7. This was indeed a challenging essay.

    8. I am glad you were able to find help through the book. I did not use the book on this test, instead I tried to just use the handouts that were given to me and I hard a tough time with my supporting ideas and outline. I was not organized on this test. I should refer to the book next time.

    9. I agree, I struggled with finding a topic because there were a lot to write about.

  2. To be honest, i was not prepared for the test, but i was able to finish it after my work. One of the strategies that i always use before writing a essay is preparing an outline. Secondly, i use the free writing technique to help me gather information. For sure i will write the draft today. Today's class session was good overall. I learn to change a car oil today.

    1. i agree...outline and free writing can be very helpful when writing an essay..

    2. I too learned how to change a car's oil today.

    3. I agree, I wasn't prepared too, but the brainstorming really helped me.

  3. Honestly, I was not prepared for test #1. I was out last night, and I got home late. I woke up early this morning and did my essay. The writing process worksheet helped me a lot. It helped me jot down ideas and everything fell into place already. Next time, I would probably not go out, stay home, and focus on doing my paper for class then I will go out. Today's class was fast, I was able to expand my knowledge in a little amount of time which is good.

    1. I was also not prepared for test #1. I will also focus on writing the essay and figuring out when it is actually due.

    2. Wow you did your essay this morning? Kudos to you! It was fast.

    3. The life of a college kid is full of late nights. I also got home a bit late last night.

    4. I agree, the writing process worksheet was very helpful.

    5. The writing process worksheet did help a lot. Whenever there is a test, I am always studying and worrying about whether or not I did OK or not. I find that I enjoy the writing process, so that makes it easier to prepare. I really enjoyed the writing because it was about my best friend.

  4. My thoughts on Test #1 was that it was challenging. In truth, I was not quite prepared for writing a descriptive essay since this type of essay is really detailed. When writing this genre you must also have a wide range of vocabulary. And hopefully next time, I can write a more detail descriptive essay with the help of my preparation. Lastly, today's lesson was interesting since I did not know that there were many types of process analysis.

    1. I agree that you must have wide range of vocabulary to be descriptive.

    2. Yes, having a wide range of vocabulary can be helpful in writing descriptive essays

    3. It was challenging, neither did i know about the many types of process analysis.

    4. I agree with what you shared, we should not use beautiful that often on a descriptive essay.

    5. I agree with you, it was not easy and i also did not know all the many types of process analysis.

  5. Test #1 I wasn't prepared at all. I kept procrastinating and I wish I spent more time to think about more things to write. But I've learned that I can't procrastinate anymore if I want to feel confident in my writing. The clustering really helped me a lot. I thought today's class was great! I know how to change a car oil.

    1. Procrastination can be a bad habit.

    2. Procrastination is one of my bad habits and i am slowly trying to not procrastinate anymore. Clustering is also a very good technique in the writing process.

    3. Don't worry, you are not the only one that procrastinated.

    4. i agree i think everybody procrastinate..

  6. Test number one was a fun assignment. I had no trouble writing the test because the writing process helped me significantly. I am satisfied with the work I have done,however I think I can do a better job the next test. Today's activities with the process analysis was great! I learned that there are two types of process;directive and informative.

    1. agree the writing process helped me a lot on this test.

    2. I agree. The writing process also helped me as well.

    3. I agree with you, Josh, I liked the assignment and I also know I can do better on the next exam or essay. I think writers are just never satisfied with their own words and thoughts.

  7. I wasn't fully prepared for test 1, but I can admit that I enjoyed writing it because it let me express emotions that I haven't gotten to express before. Next time, I will prepare more and read more notes and strategies. I will make an outline too. Today's activities were great! I learned more about the process analysis.

    1. I was not prepared for test 1 as well. I did however discover some interesting thoughts about my topic "falling in love". Next essay I will take more time and study on it.

    2. The essay did allow us to express our emotions. For some reason, I do not like mixing emotions with outlines. But I agree with you that today’s activities on process analysis were fun!

  8. Test #1 is writing a descriptive essay. I found it is hard for me to use vivid language to describe somethings. I can have improvements by practicing.The first topic I chose was home town. There are too much scenic spots that I do not know how to translate into English so I choose the topic which talks about friend. Before I wrote the essay, I reviewed the chapter which is about descriptive essays. I finished write my first draft last Tuesday so that I could have enough time to review it again and again.

    1. Good work ethic Han, a week in advance wow! I understand why you changed your topic, it would be hard to translate physical locations. At least with the friend topic you can be more flexible.

    2. Same here. My topic was hometown.At first,I thought it would be easy, but I truly had a hard time.

  9. I am so glad test#1 was an essay rather than question test. It was a take-home essay, so I had more time than usual. It is still hard for me to write an essay with vivid details. My topic was my hometown. I am not sure I did right job. Hopefully I can do better in my future essays. Today's class was interesting, I never knew I would learn how to change oil in English class!

    1. No worries Kim. Lets keep working at it and learning from our previous endeavors. Where are you from Kimha? That is really funny about the changing oil exercise.

  10. I will say that I was not prepared for this test. I thought we were going to receive the test on test day and turn it in the next day. I could have worked on this essay much earlier and not rush it between work and sleep. I did not sleep until maybe 5:30 this morning and woke up again at 9:30 to finish my writing process. I was very stressed out from Test#1 and I will do better on the remaining tests.

    1. I am interested in your topic "falling in love",Kyle. By the way, I am from China but my family roots are in Korea.

    2. I am sorry you did not do well, Kyle. To me, studying for an exam or writing a paper is serious enough for me to give up going out on a date or seeing a movie. In China, we were raised to place education above everything else, even work. Even though I prepare as much as I can, I always know I can do a better job the next time.

  11. Honestly I was not prepared for the test. I did not have enough sleep last night due to busy work. But I am very thankful that I managed to finished the test. Hopefully I get a good grade on this test. I was not ready but I did my very best on this test and will continue to do my best on the next tests.

    1. I also did not have enough sleep. You are not the only one.

    2. :) What A Relief ! I'm Not the only One

  12. For the descriptive test #1, I wasn't very prepared. My topics kept changing but I eventually settled to one topic. The writing process helped to organize my paper with key points to address. The next time I'll write my paper, I'll start earlier so my content is improved. I also did not sleep well last night. Today was good though, learned the steps to change the oil in my car.
