EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Reflection – Descriptive Essay - Dec. 26

Visit URL: http://mnrivera1.com/Four_Major_Essays.pdf  In your own words, discuss what a descriptive essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which descriptive topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #1. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A descriptive essay is a written form of a humans five senses, which is smell, sight, hearing, touch, and taste. A good descriptive essay should make the reader believe that they are going through the senses you describe. I would discuss the topic of swimming because I am an avid swimmer. Today's activities taught me how to form ideas for essays. I will use these skills for future writing assignments.

    1. Great information! I love to swim as well.

    2. I love swimming too! Where do like swimming?

    3. I hope I am good at swimming like you. Unfortunately, I almost was drowned few years ago and I do not swim any more because I am afraid of water.

    4. I do not know how to swim, but maybe reading your essay about swimming would give me tips on how to swim. I would so drown if I jump off merizo pier

  2. Descriptive essay uses many literary devices to help the reader know what you are describing. A literary device that is commonly used would be a simile or metaphor. I would select a topic that is relating events - sports at school because when I was in high school i loved playing basketball for my school.

    1. Cam, you are such a great basketball player!

    2. Basketball is great topic to pick, I love watching games.

    3. I too was in a sport in high school,volleyball for John F. Kennedy!

    4. I also like watching basketball games. I am dying to be good at playing sports, but sadly, god did not give me any talent in any sports.

    5. Yes, The topic you should select should be based on what you enjoy to make it easier for you to write.

  3. A descriptive essay is an essay that describes something, to write about a particular experience. I would probably write about relating to personality, like a favorite teacher, friend, historical person, etc. I would write about that person mainly because I know them on a personal level. It's easier for me to write that essay because I know a lot about them.

    1. Great job! I would probably write about historical person because I love history, but you are right writing an essay about someone you know personally would be much easier.

    2. I would love to write about Usain Bolt. Sadly I do not know him on a personal level, but a documentary should teach me something about him.

    3. Good information! I would probably pick someone that is a role model to me.

    4. That is a good topic because we are very familiar with our friends, teachers,and historical person.

  4. Today's freewriting, brainstorming, "Big Six", listing, and clustering is fun to me. I like taking all my ideas, throwing them out there, and then explore them. I had fun experience today. The exercises were exciting because we got to use the same topic for all three exercises, watching our topic expand and shift around in different types of thought grouping and relations.

    1. I also thought the "Big Six" questions were interesting because I use them seldom in essays.

    2. I agree.Listing and brainstorming helped me as well.

    3. I was thinking about using sports at school in relation to events because I would have strong feelings and experiences with this subject.

  5. A descriptive essay is an essay that one describes a specific topic. This is usually a personal essay. I would write about my current job, because there is a lot you can talk about in the restaurant industry, plus I love my job!

    1. Your current job sounds interesting! I love being surrounded by food.

    2. Wow, that would be a good idea to write as well since you can experience something different everyday! I love food, especially CPK.

    3. Loving your job is great, not everyone loves their job! The food industry is so vast and the opportunities for expansion, displays, tastes, etc. make my eyes watery.

    4. I hope I can love my job just like you, but honestly, my job is so boring! Sometimes I have to just stand for many hours and do nothing.

  6. A descriptive essay is an essay that is describes information of the topic in a specific manner. A descriptive essay should be able to consist of the who,what,when,where,why,how? Today's session helped me personally on being specific on what you write. Brainstorming, clustering, and listing are ways that can help you free write.

    1. That is very true; brainstoming and clustering can help you write.

    2. It helped me as well! Especially, using all the different techniques you've listed.

    3. True! I personally like to use the cluster web when I write!

    4. I agree. The listing is very helpful to my writing.

    5. I agree, Brainstorming and listing are very useful ways I can free write

  7. A descriptive essay is a detailed and uses all of your senses when you write a descriptive essay. Some examples such as describing food, an event, or the scenery. For a descriptive essay, I would pick my favorite food because I would describe how it smells, tastes, feels, and more. My senses are used and because I have a better experience with my favorite food rather than a food that I have never tasted before.

    As for today's lesson plan, it was fun and productive. Learning the different strategies benefits us and gives us different ways to starting an essay.

    1. I agree, I think using your senses are especially important for descriptive essays.

    2. I love food, especially Mexican and Japanese!

    3. I was just telling Alexis, you can do so much with the topic "Food". Go for it!!

    4. I am looking forward to know what is your favorite food! I like eating!

  8. The descriptive essay is an essay which describe something from all aspects including the appearance, the smell, the sound and taste. The topic I want to choose is home town. I am from China and I miss my home town every much. I want to introduce my home town to my classmates.
    Today's class is about the writing process stage one, like listing, brainstorming, clustering and freewriting.

    1. Thank you Han Li! I have never been to China, and I often think of visiting there someday. Please if you get the chance, I would really like to hear about your home town and what the people and culture are like there. Being away from home doesn't feel good at first, but you will get stronger because of your experience here. I really enjoy listening to you read out loud. I think you are very confident and you will learn english very easily if you continue to practice. Good job Han Li.

    2. I am so glad that I have a Chinese classmate. We may have something in common. Where are you from? I mean which part of China?

    3. I would love to hear interesting facts about China because I do not know very much information about it.

  9. I believe the big six questions are not only asked in essays, but in our daily lives. We all ask ourselves who, what, where, when, why, and how, even if we do not know it. Who will I encounter? What event will transpire today? Where am I going to be in the next ten years? When will I meet the right person? Why me? How will I overcome obstacles? Most of the time the big six questions will determine the fate of an ordinary individual.

    "You have to choose what kind of person you want to be. Either good or bad, will change the world."
    Man of Steel (2013)

    1. Edward, you are a very intricate individual and I really look forward to working with you in this class and in the future perhaps. I ask myself these types of questions all the time or about others as well. In fact, I just watched "Man of Steel" yesterday with my family at home. One day Sir, you will make your mark, that I am sure. Edward, change the world for the better wherever you can, whenever you can. We are always looking for a few good men.


  10. A descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or things in vivid details. I would like to select home town as my descriptive essay topic. My hometown is a wonderful place. You can experience Chinese and Korean cultures at the same time. I also miss my family and friends. I wonder how they are doing now. In today's class, I have learned about writing process. It will help me proceed from idea or purpose to an essay. I think brainstorming will be really useful for my writing.

    1. I think when we first move away from home, we feel homesick, miss our friends, and daily routine. I like change, and now believe that "home is where you hang your hat." Anywhere you go, it is your home. I like the idea of being a citizen of the world, yet I completely understand you feel about wanting to write about home. I look forward to reading about China and Korea!

  11. A descriptive essay is a very detailed essay that uses your five senses which are touch, smell, see, hear and taste. For my essay, I would write probably about my job. I cross trained in outrigger, and I work every possible job at the front office. So it would make my life easier writing a very detail paper about my job.

  12. A descriptive essay is the use of the five senses to provide readers with a mental image or feeling. The descriptive topic I would pick is about an accident. I went through a really big accident that changed my life forever and so I would like to share about this.

  13. A descriptive essay is describing things. what do you think of it ?
    I dont really know how to explain it.. but you should be using the five senses which are touch, smell, see, hear, and taste . In order for you to write a descriptive essay

  14. For the descriptive essay, I changed my topic. I would like write about my bff, So Ka Man, Beata for short, who has taken me under her wing to introduce me to what life is all about at the university level.
