EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection - Run-On Sentences - Jan. 3

Visit this URL:  http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000011.htm Why should we avoid run-on sentences?  

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities.


  1. When writing, we should avoid run-on sentences because the idea may not get across properly. When I write I sometimes make this error. This is because I write what I speak in my mind. I must put my words into a formal written structure rather than making it seem like I am writing a speech. Run-on sentences can even give a totally different meaning to a sentence.Today's activities taught me how to construct my writing process stages more effectively.

    1. Good job Josh, well said! Or, written, I suppose.

    2. i agree, sometimes i write how i speak, we just gotta proof read our writing.

    3. I agree, when I want to speak my mind sometimes run-on sentences happen.

  2. Run on sentences are common in writing. I am guilty of this in my writing from time to time. Run-on sentences are formed in everyday dialoge, but in formal writing we must use parts of speech to correct this. Today's class was very quick. It was a good review of the writing process.
    Have a good day everyone! :)

  3. Run-on sentence should be avoided because they are not a complete thought and do not make sense.Writing process is different than speaking, and sometimes writers write based on the way they speak, which mistakes can be made.I think it is important that writers should always proof read their materials to avoid mistakes such as run-on sentence and other minor mistakes.Today's class was awesome, learned the stages of the writing process, which i think are very helpful and should be practiced more to improve our writing skills.

    1. I agree that it should be avoided and it is not a complete thought.

    2. Yes writing can be different in speaking

    3. Thank you Efrin, you were very helpful on we often write the way we speak. When in fact, they are two different forms and practices. Good work.

    4. Yeah it can be different in speaking.

    5. Proof reading and revising always helps.

    6. I agree, sometimes I write how I speak, and that may lead to a run-on sentence that many people make.

  4. There are many times that i have overused run-on sentences. Its one of my bad habits that i always do when writing a paper. Run-on sentences are bad and should try to avoid it. Today's class session was also good. We had more review of the stages of the writing process.

    1. I agree this can be a bad habit

    2. I have overused run on sentences too!

    3. Don't give up on perfecting your errors!

    4. Yes. We should avoid run-on sentences.

    5. I agree man, run-on sentences are one of my bad habits in writing as well.

  5. I write run-on sentences all the time. Please, help me with this. I do appreciate the fact that although technically it's okay to write long sentences, breaking up long sentences helps the reader understand your writing better.

    1. I also write run-on sentences all the time. I also agree that breaking up long sentences helps the reader understand what we write

    2. I agree as well. Run-on sentences is common mistake in writing.

  6. The reason why we should avoid run-on sentence is because the way we write is different from the way we speak. When we speak, we make pauses and change our tone for people to understand. When we write, however, we must have an indicated symbol(s) (e.g. commons or periods) in order to tell the reader when they should pauses between sentences. If this is not done, it would be confusing and difficult for the reader your essay. Lastly, today's class activities were interesting as to know there is not just descriptive-narrative but one of the two can be more dominant than the other. I find this useful as these two modes are my favorite from the other modes as I like to write stories on free time.

    1. I agree that the reason that we should avoid run-on sentences is because the way we write is different from how we speak.

    2. Yes, indicated symbols allows the reader to know where to pause when reading

    3. Yes, avoid run-on sentences and really think about what you write. Use pauses, tone, and symbols correctly so the reader can fully understand the story and information you are trying to share.

    4. Also to catch a breathe while reading. Good work!

    5. Reading takes time and careful review.

  7. We should avoid run-on sentences because it makes it easier for the reader to understand what they are reading. With proper punctuation, it also changes the tone and allows the reader to pause and take a breather for better comprehension. Today's activities taught me about the stages of writing process which makes it easier for me to write essays, and it was also nice knowing everyone's comfort zone.

    1. Punctuation can also show if the reader needs to take a quick breath or show emotions with an exclamation point.

    2. I also like the part that we discuss about our comfort zone. Everyone seems to like eating.

  8. Run-on sentences is a very common mistakes in writing. A run-on sentence is a sentence in which two or more complete sentences are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction. We should avoid run-on sentences because it may become difficult for readers to understand the idea that you are trying to say.

    1. I think that if we all keep it short and simple, readers will understand what we are trying to say. But as I am finding out, it is not that easy to make it look simple. It’s pretty difficult, actually.

  9. That gets us into trouble with run -on sentences when we misuse it. While writing a sentence we're more focused on the idea in our head than on sentence structure.
    I enjoyed today's class activities. it was interesting

    1. Whenever we use a run-on sentence we get in trouble, not just from our instructors but by our readers. In my case, I have to pay extra special attention to detail since making mistakes is embarrassing.

  10. A run-on sentence consists of two or more main clauses that are run together without proper punctuation. Sometimes even sentences which are technically correct are easier to read if they are made into shorter sentences. I have a problem that when I speak I say run on sentences. It is a habit that i must fix. Today's class was fun! I liked how I learned about all of your comfort foods and activities.

    1. I agree with you, Camarin. I was taught to use short topic sentences and keep the details of the paragraph in short sentences. Adding and “and” every so often breaks up the short sentences.

  11. Run-on sentences used to be one of my biggest problems. I would separate two sentences using a comma, but it all looked good to me until it was pointed out that once you have a subject and verb, it’s a complete sentence. I now check my sentences carefully after writing each one to make sure I use the proper punctuation. Also, I can see that if my sentence is too long, something’s not right … I need to shorten it or make two sentences using a period. In today's class, I practiced all stages of the writing process. I learned more details about how to write a descriptive narration. I learned as patterns of writing, description and narration are almost always associated. I also learned the principles of descriptive narration, including their defined, their patterns, verb tenses, point of views, dialogues, and their orders.

    1. I also enjoyed today's class. I learned about the stages of writing process as well.

  12. We may deliver our thoughts and ideas well if we don't have a run on sentence. I always made this common mistake and used too many commas. Often times, nobody understood what I was trying to say anymore. Today's class activities taught me a lot! I learned more about the writing process and enjoyed knowing about everyone's favorite food and reading the essays.

    1. Run-on sentences cause me lots of headaches. I wonder if our minds are thinking too quickly and our fingers cannot catch up with what we’re thinking? I, too, liked the food part of class!

  13. We should avoid run-on sentences because it is wrong grammar. Although it is a common misuse in writing, we can still avoid. It's very easy to miss but proper proofreading can correct the sentence. I wasn't in class today but I see it that it is about the writing process. The writing process is essential for writing an essay because gives better organization and help you to support your points.
