EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Reflection – Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay – Dec. 31

Visit URL: http://mnrivera1.com/Four_Major_Essays.pdf In your own words, discuss what an argumentative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which argumentative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #4. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. Argumentative essay is not only when you present information about something, but also argue about it. You need to have a clear thesis statement in the beginning of your sentence for essays like these. The topic I would choose is about fathers who should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in a family court decision because I think that not all mothers are perfect and sometimes a fathers love can serve more than a mothers in some cases.

    1. If you write your paper on that, I would like to read it, and I agree, fathers should have the same treatment.

    2. Everyone should be treated equally. No matter who we are, we are all still human being. So i agree with you

    3. I would love to read it too. I think that is a great idea and you explained what is an argumentative essay well.

    4. Yes! A strong, clear thesis statement will really help you during your essay. I think it is interesting to see a female author's essay on more fathers' rights over children in family court.

    5. I agree! I would write about the same topic.

  2. An argumentative essay is an essay revolving around a topic and supporting it with concise details. It is similar to an expository essay, however the supporting details are researched upon more.The argumentative topic I want to write about is "Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. Too many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype. " I want to go further into this because not all mothers are better than the fathers in court cases. In today's activity of learning different types of paragraph patterns, I prefer pattern B. I favor it more because of the concluding sentence pattern A does not have.

    1. I agree with your topic statement position, fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers. It seems unfair to me when that happens.

    2. I agree with you that an argumentative essay is somewhat similar to an expository essay.

    3. That is a great topic! And you're right fathers are capable of being a mother and a father.

    4. I agree, Not all mother are better than the fathers in court cases. Sometimes they do not even know what to do.

    5. I agree with you as well.Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. I like your topic.

  3. An argumentative essay seems to be the most complicated of all our assignments so far. I understand this type of writing requires more research and thought, and it is a complete argument, which means there are conflicting points of view that contradict the thesis. Although I do not like conflict or arguing, I think this essay will be a fun assignment. As a student who comes from a country where Internet censorship is a daily occurrence, I argue against any form of censorship in the United States. Who is going to censor the Internet—the government or an Internet consortium designed just for that purpose? Let us hope not! Today I learned unity, emphasis, support, and sentences are the important parts of revising. There are four different kinds of paragraphs, including introductory, developmental, transitional, and concluding. There are two basic paragraph patterns. Pattern A includes topic sentence and development. Pattern B includes topic sentence, development, and concluding sentence.

    1. I also don't like conflict or arguing! And I agree with you as well that an argumentative essay seems to be the most challenging assignment that we've had so far.

    2. I like your topic about arguing about censorship in the United States. I believe that censoring violates the freedom of speech

  4. Oh, and today's class was okay. I learned about editing and writing paragraphs. Sorry I was late, I'm not really feeling well..

    1. It's ok.. hope you feel better today :)

    2. I hope you feel better Cathrina. Do not worry, Dr. Rivera will have grace on you. :>

  5. In an argumentative essay, we not only give information but also present an argument with the supporting details. The certain ideas could be made clear. Get the topic, choose a position,gather evidence, and writing stage are steps for writing an argumentative essay. It is important to begin with a clear topic sentence which formulates its main idea.
    In today's class, I learned I should revise and edit my first draft to avoid informal style.

  6. An argumentative essay is an essay that requires students to collect, generate, and evaluate evidence. It also requires you to establish your position on the topic., the argumentative essay must be complete, and logically so, leaving no doubt as to its intent or argument. The topic i would chose is about stem-cell research because there are many things about this topic that violates the abuse of research in the formation of life. Today was a good session i learned more about revising and editing. Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

    1. I agree, I would also like to read your paper because I would like to know more about stem-cell research.

    2. I would like to read your paper about stem-cell as well because I do not know much about it.

    3. Yeups i Agree !
      happy new years

    4. Same here! Seems very interesting

    5. I would also like to read about your essay! Happy new year as well.

    6. I agree with that argumentative essay should be logical.

  7. Argumentative essay requires a student to investigate a topic. I would compare this to conducting an experiment. Those science fair we do back in high school with all the thesis, what we observed during the experiment, and the conclusion or what happen when you did the experiment. It is a very detailed research where you have to collect information from people on what they know about the topic or do a research about it yourself.

    For today's lesson, It was very interesting. All essay that we write should be be proofread so that there will be no grammatical and spelling errors. This can be very useful in my further class. Happy New Year!

    1. I agree, writing an argumentative essay is similar to conducting an experiment!

    2. That's true, and I didn't see it like that, but it does make sense, it is similar in conducting a science experiment.

    3. Yeups true true.
      I agree with you too.
      i had almost the same thing !

    4. I agree and i will conduct an experiment in my topic.

  8. An Argumentative essay is an essay that argues one view to another about a specific issue . for example abortion . If you were against abortion you can find an article or a magazine that is with abortion and argue with it. You would have to support your reasoning and find a source that agrees with you to make your point strong. Your goal is to prove you are right .

    1. I agree. we need to make the point strong with supporting details.

  9. An argumentative essay is an essay that establishes a position on topic. That essay must include sufficient evidence to support your position on the topic. The topic I would choose is developing some sort of internet censorship. I chose this topic because I think that many websites today aren't safe especially for children. Class today was good, fairly quiet though. It was nice to understand the different types of paragraphs, the use of the topic sentence and supporting points in that sentence. Happy New Years everyone.

    1. I agree,there needs to be some censorship in the internet. Younger generations are seemed to be getting worse because of the profound views they have easy access to.

    2. Happy New Year Gibson! I am so sorry, but I have to disagree with your position on censorship. American censorship is mild compared to China, but there is still censorship. But, to me, the question is who is going to censor the news? How will this get done? Will there be any mass involvement or will the government simply censor Internet content? I hope not.

  10. An argumentative essay requires one to do there research! You can get information from books, online sources, and biographies. Make sure you always use the latest updated information. It is commonly written in MLA format and remember to always site your sources. I would choose the court decision of "nurturing" stereotypes between mothers and fathers, because I believe fathers can do just as good as a job raising a child as mothers do. Today was a great session! ANYONE GOING TO THE CONCERT?! See you all next year!!!

    1. I agree, I was raised by a single dad and he was an amazing role-model.

    2. I would love to read your paper because I had a cousin who raised his own kid and he did good supporting him growing up.

    3. I agree with you. Fathers CAN do just as well as mothers do!

  11. Argumentative essay is a type of writing that requires the writer to research and collect ideas on a particular subject. The writer should be able to explain his or her topic from many different point of views.Argumentative essay is often requires the writer to do extensive research on their topic in order to have strong and concise supporting details.Writing a argumentative essay, it is also important to keep in mind to put your writing in a clear and logical transition from one idea to another in order for the reader to easily grasp the main point of the writer.

    1. I agree with you, Efrin, that research is central to a writer's success in arguing a particular point. I heard that a scholar's reputation is based on the depth of evidence used to argue a point. I guess we cannot leave any stones unturned in our desire to find the answer to our question.

    2. I agree as well. It is important to have strong and concise supporting details in argumentative essay.

  12. An argumentative (persuasive) essay can be something that should be done or resisted, something that is true or false, or that something is good or bad. The topic for this essay that really stood out for me was the home schooling exceptional education with at least two years of public schooling before graduating high school. This and the same treatment for fathers as mothers in family court decisions. Too many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype. The home schooling topic is interesting because education is important and children can thrive under different circumstances vs the typical public, private schools that america offers today. The family court decisions spoke to me because in unmarried couples, the father has no say to even name the child. I was not permitted to even argue what my daughter would be named when she was born.

    1. I like your idea about home schooling, Kyle. Do you think a child receives a better education at home because the parents are involved? Though this may be a solution, what about the child's ability to socialize given the isolation of education? I wonder if socializing and learning how to read and write and do math problems are equally as important?

    2. I think isolated education is stronger for a child so there is limited distractions from socializing. The child becomes more discipline and independent. Two years of public social education is a possible but not definite solution to be able to learn and deal with emotions and behavior.

  13. I think argumentative essay requires an sustainable amount of research. It is important to have facts so the reader you're trying to persuade will believe your opinion. After you're done researching you must always cite and make sure your source is reliable. The topic I would choose would be the classroom size of grades K through 5 statewide should be set at a maximum of 20 students because I believe every student should get an equal amount of learning and be focused on individually to help their strengths and weakness. Also, to be more confident when it comes to learning because I know I get overwhelmed when there are many students in a classroom trying to learn the same thing and prevents me from asking questions because I would feel like I'm slowing down the class. In addition, I think we should focus on the K through 5 students because they are still learning how to read and write which can be difficult in trying to understand with a class of 30 or more students. So I believe we should decrease the amount of students. Have a great day everyone, Happy New Year!

    1. I agree, the teacher can focus more on students individually when the size of the class is smaller.

  14. An argumentative essay establishes a position on a particular topic in a concise manner. As for my argumentative essay, I will discuss the topic if " Every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go
    through counseling before being granted a divorce." Although I may have decided to pick this topic, I still not sure how I will explain it in my paper. But hopefully with a little more research, I can make a more effective essay.

    1. Your topic sounds interesting, Krystal. I wonder why people should even get married in the first place. Is it out of love, or something else? It seems like a financial and legal partnership is very expensive.

    2. I like this topic because I want to see divorce statistic drop. I also think that all couples should have longer counseling sessions before marriage.

  15. It is true that defining a word paragraph is no easy task. Personally, when I view a word paragraph, it is not only a paragraph, it is a puzzle or an equation. For me, defining a word paragraph is like solving a cross-word puzzle or sudoku. I like how the examples of today's session demontrated patterns A & B. If we all practiced enough with our essays, evenually writing becomes more of an art form.

    "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."
    - Michelangelo

    1. Nice description Ed, your mathematical mind will help you dissect your essays to better analyze and compute your art. Lovely quote by the way.
