EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
Group Photo


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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Post your final goodbye entry.  It has been a pleasure having all of you as students.  I will certainly miss all of you, but I am confident that you will use the writing skills/strategies that you've gained to continue to write effective essays.  Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera


  1. Thank you Dr. Rivera for all your instruction, gentleness, kindness, and discipline. I have learned so much in your class and I truly hope to be working with you again in the future. Please continue to serve the education system for Guam truly needs good teachers. To all my classmates, thank you for befriending me and for helping me get through this semester. I hope to see all of you soon and please do not be shy to say "Hi!' God Bless!
    Kyle Atoigue

    1. See you around next semester. I will say "Hi!" when I see you. Good luck to you as well.

    2. hey Kyle, you've been a great friend, hope we can still keep in touch, and I agree, Dr. Rivera is a great professor and I wish I had her in all my classes.

    3. yea true ! Dr.Rivera is the best !
      Don't be a stranger ! When i see you around i'll say hi. Same goes For You As Well

    4. It was a pleasure having you as a classmate. Your stories were awesome! See you around

    5. Well said Kyle! In the short time I have been on Guam, I noticed that good teachers are rare. It was a team effort … thank you, Kyle, for reading my replies and replying to me.

  2. After just a mental long but physically short course session, I like to goodbye and thanks to everyone. It was pleasant to hear and get to know everyone by all the sharing of each other's essay in a short amount of time. I also had fun sharing my many different narrations in brain stretchers and especially the play I wrote for my final exam. Lastly, I am glad I did go class, even through there are days when I wish to just sleep, because I have learned a great amount of about writing and I will use them well in the future.

    Goodbye and good luck,
    Krystal San Nicolas

    1. I enjoyed your play. Goodbye to you and good luck. I will see you around as well.

    2. I agree, it was a concentrated course. I loved hearing the brain stretchers.

    3. I agree, I enjoyed hearing everyones essay and brain stretcher

    4. It was a very intense intercession, but worth it. We did a lot of work and were rewarded with our persistence. Of course, it helps to have a good teacher guide us and classmates who contributed regularly.

    5. I enjoyed your short stories and your play. Have an excellent semester!

  3. I still cannot believe I finished this course. Time flew by so fast. I had a great time with classmates. I have learned so much in a short time. I have learned a lot of skills that will be useful in the future writing during this course. I am so thankful that I had this class taught by Dr. Rivera. Thanks for having opportunity to meet all of you.

    Good luck to everyone.
    Xia Jin

    1. I agree, I can't believe it is all over, it was so fast. I learned a lot. Best regards to you Xia Jin.

    2. Yes, same here! I cannot believe that i made it to the last day of class. I usually just give up when i do not understand the work, but for some reason i stay till the very last day and there are no regrets because i have learned a great amount of teachings from our teacher.

    3. I really liked our classmates, and I agree with you that time flew by really fast. I remember the first day of feeling overwhelmed. Now, we’re all one step closer to writing better and graduating.

  4. Wow, the class is finished, it's done. It is really hard to believe, I'll be surprised waking up on Wednesday realizing I don't have these same people in my class anymore. Dr. Rivera, you have been an awesome professor, I learned so many things in the class. My reading, writing, and speaking skills have definitely improved. The class was great, I had fun getting to know everyone. Hope I can still see you guys around campus.
    Laters, -Gibson.

    1. Yea unbelievable right ?
      I actually made it to the last day of classes. I'm gonna miss everyone in class.. I would be surprised to go to school on wednesday and see one of us in our EN100 class as classmates. That would be nice

    2. The days did went by fast. It was a stressful intersession, but the experience was good

    3. Awesome is right! Thanks for teaching me some American slang and sharing your thoughts. I think a professor as good as Dr. Rivera gets the most out of her students. I think she did with all of us, and in such a short period of time … I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

    4. See you around school Gibson! I wish you the best of luck in your studies.

    5. I agree.I also had fun. I wish you do well in the future.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The American university setting is much different than in China. The one thing about this comparison is that In China we do not get to know our professors. We are not allowed to talk directly to them. What I find refreshing about American education is how approachable professors are with students. This creates a personal bond and link to education. I very much like it. Dr. Rivera was very approachable, and open about her class. I love the website, the blogs, and the replies. Once the class is over, the website remains as a sort of yearbook for us, a memory keepsake. This class, of all my classes at UOG and in China, is by far the best. The course was very well organized, we did something everyday, we used technology, and we worked and shared our work every day. The time went by so fast … I wish all of my classes were this informative and productive. I hope we run into each other on campus in the future. Li Han

    1. Oh wow that is like totally the opposite of here. But there are some teachers who doesn't really care about their students but only care about getting their paycheck. There are other teachers who love their work and their teachings, and that's what makes them closer to their students because they want us to understand and learn their teachings.

    2. Wow! really? That is how strict they are in China? Anyhow, I wish you the best time here on Guam, and I will see you around campus

    3. China seems strict, I hope your adventure in Guam will continue with ease.

    4. Wow, that is very different. I'm truly grateful that the UOG professors are very kind. Hope I see you on campus!

  7. Well Like i said before in class, I will miss All of you guys including the best teacher I've ever encountered Dr.Rivera. Thank You all For being such Great classmates. i Hope to see you all next week when classes starts .. Good Luck Everyone !
    and thank You Dr. Rivera for being such a great teacher. I understand the work now because of your teachings. thank you ! May the lord continue to bless you all with many more great things in life. :)

    1. I will miss my classmates,too. They were nice. Good luck to you.

  8. Hey guys! I do not say goodbye, but I go on more saying see you later. I wish all of you the best and luck in your further classes as well as life. It was such an honor having you guys as a classmate. How we've grown in such a short amount of time closer to each other and especially with Dr. Rivera was something I will treasure. The knowledge and experience i gained attending an intersession class instead of taking a break was definitely worth it. Stay humble and smile often guys, and I will see you guys around school. Do not be a stranger and say Hi!(:

    1. I hope you have a good semester, don't work too hard!

  9. Thank you Dr. Rivera for sacrificing your break to teach students. You are an inspiration to all of us. My fellow classmates, I had enjoy the time I have spent with you. I know this is not a good bye because our journey has just began. I will see you guys in the hallways and in other classes. If any you guys need anything, then I may help out as much as I can. This course gave me more practice for the college writing class. I will use all the lessons and practice them throughout life. Thank you guys, have a good semester

  10. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time all thanks to our instructor, Dr. Rivera. It was also great getting to know each and everyone of you. We have shared so much about our ourselves using our essays and brain stretchers. I will truly miss you alI and hope to see you all soon!

  11. I completely forgot to do this yesterday but better late than never right? I just wanted to thank Dr. Rivera for taking the time out of your break or I mean all your time to help us and prepare us for the future of English courses at UOG. I will definitely refer you to any students who asks "Who is the best EN100 teacher?" I'd say "Dr Rivera of course" :D But because you are, you define what hard-work is and taught us extremely well. And to my classmates thank you for making this intercession course fun! You guys definitely made it not feel boring and I'm really glad I have met you all! Good luck, take care, and God Bless on your future activities and education! I'll see you around!

  12. To All My EN100 Students...
    You're most welcome! It has been a pleasure teaching all of you this semester. I encourage you to continue to use the writing skills/strategies that you've gained to write effective essays. Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
