EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection -Test #3- Jan. 13

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #3.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test? In addition, discuss your thoughts of today's activities.


  1. Test No 3 was an information paper. It was straight forward and to the point. As I looked over the list Dr. Rivera handed out, No. 11 caught my attention. I love shopping, mostly window, but interestingly, I do not like to own a lot of possessions. Rather, I prefer the abstract qualities of happiness, of a job done well, of feeling accomplished at doing something challenging. I learned earlier in life that possessions can burden you. Imagine worry about your car or your motorcycle during a typhoon, instead of your family. I d not want that burden, so I prefer the nonmaterial things in life to make me happy.

    1. I agree, I am not a materialistic person as well. Spending time with my family and friends is already good enough to make me happy

    2. I do that sometimes, window shopping, which can be a very good exercise.

    3. I agree as well. I don't really count on materialistic things.

    4. I agree, shopping is fun, I like to window shop.

    5. I agree as well. I love shopping. It makes me happy, but I spend too much money on shopping.

  2. I considered test #3 pretty hard. I tried to prepare the essay yesterday, but I was so confused between expository and argumentative essays. It gave me hard time. I took the in class test, and the time was limited. I did not have time to think much. I will work on my next test and final self-reflection. I also need to write the final assignment. It will be a stressful week.

    1. That is why I prefer the take home test, and finish as fast as I can. I do not like thinking on the spot. I stress out!

    2. The work is getting more difficult … just imagine EN 110?! But we must finish what we start, it’s very important. Sty focused and confident and we’ll pass.

    3. I agree, this test was kind of hard. I think it requires more time and effort.

    4. Yeah it pretty difficult. It needs more thought and time.

    5. I agree, the essays are getting more difficult. I had a hard time also.

  3. I was not prepared for Test #3. I went out the last night, and I got home pretty late again. I did prepare my writing process worksheet the day before though because I knew I was going out. I woke up again early this morning, and I did my paper. It was complicated at first due to the research and everything, but overall I was able to finish fast. Today's class once again was quick. It was good learning about definitions which expanded my knowledge.

    1. I wasn't prepared as well. I started on my paper late too.

    2. I agree, the paper was complicated, but learning about definitions in class was fun today.

    3. I was also not prepared for test#3. Good luck for test#4.

  4. Test #3 was a expository essay. For this test, I think I did a fair job on preparing for this test. I knew what I was going to write about but I had a hard time putting everything from my head into words. The overall essay though was okay and hopefully the test #4 will be a bit better. Lastly, today's class was quick like how it always is when we have on test days. Also the discussion on definition, I got to learn more about this genre that I have not learned before.

    1. Preparation is always important.

    2. I agree, I thought I did an alright job, but it was still hard for me. Good luck on essay #4!

    3. Writing an essay is not as easy as the final product looks. A lot of thought and energy go into thoughts and organizations, some more brainstorming, and then writing. You know, I have to have a certain light on before I can write. It's a quirk from when I was required to study a lot in college.

  5. Test 3 was a expository essay. This type of essay required more time to research and develop ideas and supporting points. I feel i spent more time on this essay than I did on the last two test assignment. Once again, I integrated the writing process to my writing and it helped a lot. I also noticed that expository writing is like a debate, where you present an argument and provide supporting details to back up your argument. Class today was productive as always and presented me with new writing techniques that can help improve my writing abilities.

    1. Information is debatable, depending on what it is about and who is doing the presentation, so I can see how you would think an expository essay would be debatable. It's the interpretation of the writer that matters. These types of essays are fun, except we have to be prepared for some criticism since not everyone agrees with our interpretation.

  6. I was not prepared for test #3. I had to do more research online to help me understand an expository essay. It was hard at first but I got the hang of it since I already organized my topics in clustering and outline.

  7. I was not really prepared. Expository essays are not the easiest type of essays for me to write. I'll try to do more research on the next paper that I do. Class today was good, it was quiet because not everyone was there. We learned about definitions in writing. Good luck on your papers guys!

    1. I was also not prepared for my essay

    2. Test #3 was also hard for me to write. Hopefully I can do better in the remaining assignments.

  8. The test today was sort of challenging to me but i manage to finish. I think that i understand better in taking the test in class better than doing it at home. Because I've been so busy at home i don't have time, so i would rather take it in class. Everyone's presentation that took the test at home were very interesting and they gave me many ideas in taking the test in class.

    1. I also took the in-class test today, but I prefer the take-home test even though I do not have much time.

    2. I prefer the take home exam ... my thoughts are clear and there are few distractions. I think writing is a very solitary pursuit, one that shows a writer with his/her thoughts. I believe that all forms of writing require an understanding of the topic and of the style.
