EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection - Time & Problem Solving - Jan. 14

Visit this URL: http://www.studygs.net/shared/mgmnt.htm
Was this academic resource helpful?  Explain.

In addition, describe your thoughts of today's activities.


  1. American English seems very organized, though there are so many rules and regulations that writers and readers must follow. They say the more complex the language, the more complex the culture. I think they are right! The Study Guides and Strategies link is very helpful for us, especially in our last several days of class. It deals with time management, creating a daily/weekly schedule, and lots of other things we can use as students in our other classes. I like the problem-solving part of the link. In today's class, I learned more details about how to write arguments, and I know how to write a research paper now. Logical fallacies are very interesting, such as circular reasoning, false analogy, and non sequitur. I was taught that there are ten steps to writing a research paper.

    1. I was reading the prioritizing of your daily and weekly schedules to accomplish goals and objectives. The logical fallacies was a huge help for writing papers and realizing when my thought process is incorrect.

    2. Yeaup, English can be organized, but very complicated when it comes to regulations that needs to be followed

    3. I agree completely, English has so many rules and it is very complicated.

    4. I agree, today's activities guided me on a proper way to write a research paper.

    5. I agree as well. What I learned in today's class will be really helpful in writing research paper.

    6. I agree, I thought today's lesson really helped me write my test #4.

  2. This academic resource is very helpful. I learned about time and project management. I need to develop time management skills because I feel like there are not enough hours for what I want to do. I also learned about problem solving and decision making.
    Today's class was good. I learned more about how to write argumentative essays. It will be useful in test #4.

    1. The time management section really helped me see things I can do like taking breaks where I can energize, locations I can study without be distracted, getting things done, putting off unnecessary activities, and reviewing class content before, after, and during the week.

    2. I agree, managing time can be a big help

    3. A tip on time management can be making a time log sheet!

    4. I did learn a lot too. It's very good to manage time.

    5. I agree, and my time management skills needs practice too. The resource was very helpful.

  3. Avoiding procrastination is what I chose to really read into. I procrastinate a lot. In the link above, it states that the longest step is the first step. Not only have I been procrastinating in class but also in life. I need to get out there and start affecting the world and people in a positive light. Today's lesson on MLA citations really helped me understand the progress of citing my sources. Thank you Josh for giving us the easybib site as well. I will be sure to look it up for my research paper.

    1. I agree, today's lesson helped me as well to understand why we need to cite our paper

    2. I agree too. It is very important to manage cite your sources.

    3. I agree, I like the positive attitude, and thanks Josh!

    4. I agree, procrastination is our worst enemy ... we must be diligent with our work on a daily basis.

  4. The source above is very helpful to everyone. For myself, Learning to manage time is the key to success. Scheduling your time wisely helps you to be organize on certain task you need to complete. Learn to balance your time when it comes to work and at the same time also manage time for yourself as well. It is always not work all the time, right? Giving yourself a break from stress once in a while is a good thing. Also, I like to set goals and I use them as motivation so I can finish my work fast. Today's class was good. Learning the MLA was something I never knew how to do and would always ignore. It is complicated to cite that's why, but useful resource such as easybib can be a big help.

    1. Having time off is as important as working hard. Everyone needs a break.

    2. Yeah it's nice to take a break to ease your mind a bit. So, yes balancing is your time is the right thing to do.

    3. I also think time management is important to everyone.

    4. I agree, I also think managing time is the key to success.

  5. This source above is quite helpful for anyone, especially during college. Managing time is quite useful when you have many assignments ranging from papers to projects and not to mention work. I believe time management strategies helps a lot with juggling all my assignments. For example, making a to-do list, and a weekly calender of my daily schedule help manage my time. Decision making and solving problems can also be quite difficult but there are different ways in solving and this academic source is helpful as well. Lastly, today's activities were insightful. The last two chapters of the book about argumentative essays and MLA format were helpful and I will use them to guide me write my test #4.

    1. I always have a to-do list on my phone so i can keep up with my work and not missed anything for class

    2. I am glad that we finished those last two chapters today!

    3. Time management works well when we are focused on what we have to do. I agree that there are lots of strategies to use to manage time, but time is a force we cannot control. The best thing to do, I believe, is to manage time as wisely as we can, and if we make mistakes, we learn from them.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This website really made me realize that I don't know much about time management. I believe it effects me deeply in everything I do and is a habit I must stop. The different methods they displayed were very enlightening and helpful that I will be able to use in the future.Today's class was very interesting. I learned more about persuasive writing and refreshed my memory on how to cite sources like what I did in high school.

    1. I agree, today was a good refreshment on citing sources.

    2. I also learned a lot from today's class.

    3. I think as students we all have a lot to learn about time management. Not having a boyfriend helps me a lot :)

  8. The resource site is a helpful recap of what I learned in my college seminar course. I have practiced and used each exercise before such as making a schedule. These tips really help in organising your life. Today's activities taught me how to properly site sources in a modern language association format. I also know what types of logical fallacies are in writing. I will make sure not to use any of them.

    1. I should also arrange my time carefully to do things orderly.

  9. I found the academic resource link very helpful! I liked that the resource talks about time management, problem solving, motivating yourself, developing self-discipline, avoiding procrastination, and even creating to do lists. I would definitely refer to this when I need help in class. I learned a lot today about logical fallacies, research papers, argumentative essays and the MLA form.

    1. I also found this resource very helpful. You know, I have so many "To Do" post its all over my refrigerator and my Mom has hers in the car of all places.

  10. The resource was very helpful and it gives reminders that we forget to do. Although we can not follow all the time management tips, it is very useful to at least realize how you can manage your time. I also enjoyed the problem solving section of the resource. Class today was great actually, I liked it. We learned about persuasive essays, which is a big help for writing our last exam. Good luck on writing everyone!
