EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection - Revising and Editing - Jan. 10

Visit this URL:  http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/style-and-editing/revising.
Discuss the importance of revising and editing.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities.


  1. I really like this part of the writing process because it shows an almost finished essay. The University of Toronto website is prefect for writers who want to make sure their essays and papers go through a final inspection. This is the part where proofreading and editing can make a paper look good or really bad. The one thing that concerns me has always been that self-editing is difficult to do because the writer is so close to the writing and the ideas. Finding mistakes, I think, takes a second or even third pair of eyes to spot the errors. I really enjoyed the discussion about Blue as in Boy, Pink as in Girl. Brehm is right. According to Chinese or my family's culture, I take it for granted.

    1. Yes, having other people proofread your paper can be really helpful if you missed mistakes yourself

    2. I also like this part of the writing process.

    3. I agree, it's always nice for a peer review.

    4. I agree, peer review's are very important, it's hard to review your own paper.

    5. It is hard to review your paper. So i agree as well

    6. I also enjoyed the essay "Blue as in Boy, Pink as in Girl." It really relates to me because I'm the only girl of two brothers.

  2. Revision and Editing is very important to a person's writing. Revision is not just proofreading for grammatical errors but adding or deleting sentences and paragraphs; shifting and rephrasing them. This ensures your essay to be on point and clearly with the help of revising and editing. Today's activities on comparison and contrast was quite helpful. I have never heard of the 4 Ps approach when writing a comparison and contrast essay, especially the two types of patterns. Not to mention, the two essays were interesting and relates to me for the most part.

    1. I agree, Revision and editing is much more than grammatical errors and minor detail mistakes

    2. I agree that revision is not just proofreading for grammatical errors but adding or deleting sentences and paragraphs; shifting and rephrasing them.

    3. I agree, revision and editing is not always the easiest part of the essay but very important. It's not just proofreading for errors, it's more than that.

    4. I agree too, and also i never head of the 4 Ps so it was great knowing another method to help ease writing essays.

    5. In my essays during the self-editing part, I basically rewrite it because I am never satisfied with how it looks. I guess we have to know when to stop fussing with our work.

  3. The resource above is very useful. Revising or editing is the most important stage when writing an essay. This stage helps you preview your paper if punctuation and grammatical errors are made. It also helps you with being organize and if more details are need. Revising or editing can help improve your draft paper into an excellent paper. Today's class was good even though I was late. I was able to catch up and learn about comparison and contrast and working with the 4 Ps

    1. I also agree that this resource is very useful. It is also the most important stage when writing an essay.

    2. I agree, it is very useful. I will use this resource for my next essay.

    3. I agree too. Organizing is key for a successful essay.

    4. I agree being organize can help make writing very easy.

    5. I agree, it helps you with more details needed for a more effective essay.

  4. Revising and editing is important because it can transform you first draft into an excellent paper. Revising and editing can also help you say what you really intended to write. Today's class session was good overall. I learn more on the comparison and contrast on how it is a method of showing similarities and differences between subjects.

    1. Revising and editing can transform your first draft into an excellent paper

    2. I agree, the difference between a first and final draft are significant.

    3. I never saw it that way, but yeah that's true, it can really transform your draft into an excellent paper.

    4. It is very important. I did as well.

    5. I agree, revising and editing keeps us on track and not lost focus at the main purpose on hand.

  5. What would it be like if we lived a life of "could-have been"? The importance of revising and editing is perfecting your idea. If you do this you will have full satisfaction and not regret on your writing. Revising and editing should be done to review what you have said. It would be unwise to write a speech and not review what you have wrote. Today's activities taught me about comparison and contrast essays. If I would want to persuade someone on why something is better than the other, I would use a contrast essay.

    1. I agree, perfecting your idea can lead you a full satisfaction on your writing

    2. I agree as well. Revising and editing can make your idea clear.

    3. I agree, though there are times that I rewrite as I write, and so I become so familiar with the material because I have gone over it so many times. To persuade someone, I would show the opposing view, as well, yet concentrate on my argument.

    4. I agree, without revision our essays would be accentuate and thereby false to some extent.

  6. Revising and editing are important in writing because they can be helpful to make more perfect essay. We can correct mistakes such as grammar and spelling issues during revising and editing. Revising and editing can also make essay more formal. Today's activity was fine. I learned I would develop my ideas by using a procedure called the 4 Ps: purpose, points, patterns, and presentation.

    1. We can also check if we communicated are ideas properly.

    2. I don’t think there can be a perfect essay. Either I find a mistake in the spelling or I disagree with the basic idea of the writing. Maybe I am too picky about writing, but I think it’s an extension of our minds and our thoughts. Perfect would be the best possible essay.

  7. Revising and Editing is the icing on the cake for writing. Revising and editing is very important because it allows you correct your mistakes and finish the paper. What kind is a cake without the icing? It's very important, and I will use this resource when I write my essay over the weekend. It is also important to have someone proofread your paper. Class was good today, the concepts get more difficult but we learn more because of that. We went over comparison and contrasts as well as the 4 P's, purpose, points, patterns and presentation for developing ideas on our paper.

    1. I can use the four p's in the future to my advantage!

    2. grammar errors, *What kind of cake is a cake without the icing?*

    3. I will also use this resource for my writing.

    4. Revising, editing, rewriting … it is a process that we all must face while writing. I wonder when we get better at doing this whether or not we can refine some of the steps or actually eliminate them altogether.

    5. I like your analogy. Revising and editing is not the whole paper but if you want your product to be sharp you need to go over it but more importantly get others to read it and critique it. Having multiple views on your revision is better.

  8. Making revisions is probably one of the most important parts about writing an essay. I personally like to edit and revise my essays because it makes me aware of the mistakes I have made. I also found the link very helpful. Today's class was good. I learned about comparison and contrast, the difference between persuading and informing, 4 Ps, and lastly about the Vietnam culture.

  9. The website is very insightful of how to revise and edit. I find it extremely useful and will use it for further essays. Today's class was great. I learned more about comparison and contrast on how to determine whether it is or not.

  10. Revising and editing is a must in writing. It is a step that cannot be skipped when creating a paper. Overall, today's class session was good. It was a good review of comparison and contrast, which is a method to show similarities and differences.

    1. i agree, they are important.

    2. Yes that's true for sure. Revising and Editing is a must in writing. It is the most important in an essay if you want your essay to look professional.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Revising and editing are the most important in an essay. This resource is very useful to us. When Writing an essay, we can also look back to it when done. To revise and edit if you think its wrong. That would be your draft and when your finish revising and editing your draft, you can make your final essay even better than the first.

    1. Yes. The resource is very helpful. I will use it.

    2. Yes!!! Make as many drafts as you want, so that your final essay is better than your previous. Keep thinking that way Chrisler.

  13. I need to work on revising and editing my essays. This alone is causing my essay to drop at least 8%, I really need to focus on CGPS and CLUESS. Today's readying lesson was primarily on the 4 P's. Purpose, points, patterns, and presentation. This lesson will really help me in the next two essays which is the argumentative and expository essay.

  14. At the beginning of Blue as for Boy, Pink as in Girl, I believe the sole perpose for the colors is to differentiate the gender (or sex) of the infant. I agree with the answer on number 5 in critical thinking. The interests of boys and girls mostly depends on the environment he or she grow up with. Some information in the essay is true, especially in certain countries, and parts of the U.S.

    "God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."
    - Voltaire

    1. The stereo types of gender are everywhere. In school, in the workplace, military, politics, etc. How we deal with this is a day by day task. I have judged others in the past and I am working on loving all people and doing what I can to meet people where they are comfortable. Thank you Lord for our lives, please lead us, guide us, and walk beside us. Amen.

  15. Revising and editing are important part of writing. This is the process of writing where you make sure that you presented all your ideas in a concise manner and correct any minor mistakes. Having someone revise and edit your writing is also helpful because they could identify errors that you could have missed. Today class are, as always, was productive and interactive. I learned how comparison and contrast, showing similarities and differences play an important role in your writing.

    1. I agree. Revising and editing are important, and peer reviews are very helpful.

    2. Well said Efrin, today's lesson was very helpful for me. I have not been meeting the top standards for grammatical errors. I need to take more time rereading and editing my essays.

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