EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Krystal - Jan. 5
Josh - Jan. 18
Alexis - Jan. 23

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflection - Test #4 - Jan. 15

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #4.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test? In addition, discuss your thoughts of today's activities.


  1. I believe I was prepared for test four. I followed the writing process stages once again to organize my ideas and I was done within two to three hours. The only task I would do better next time would be researching more intricately. Today's activities were short informative. It was nice listening to what my classmates wrote about in their test four essay.

    1. I agree being organize can always speed up work and makes it a lot easier.

    2. I agree, organization is key.

    3. I agree as well. Organization is important.

    4. I agree, I would also research more intricately

    5. I agree, organization was also the key to my essay.

    6. Good job Josh! Please continue to be a leader in your classes and working hard! God bless!

  2. Test 4 was argumentative essay. I found this type of essay to be time consuming because it requires the writer to do investigation and research to provide strong supportive evidence and details. I was prepared for it and did some research to support my thesis. Today's class was short and almost everyone presented what topic they chose to write about.

    1. I agree, finding logical support is time consuming.

    2. I agree, out of all the essays, this essay was the most time consuming and it was the most difficult.

    3. Yes. This type if essay takes time to finish, because the argumentative essay requires well-researched .

    4. I agree, this test took the most effort.

    5. Yes the argumentative essay takes much time. I did not go to work to do my paper.

  3. I thought I was pretty prepared, I wrote a persuasive essay in high school so I was not new to the subject. For my strategies, I made sure I had reliable sources and a good outline so that I was organized. I know for my final exam that I can apply what I have learned from other essays to make my last essay one of my best. I thought that today's class was good, I liked hearing about other people's topics.

    1. I will also apply what I have learned to my final exam.

    2. I also want to make my final essay one of my best.

    3. I agree outline always helps and keeps me organize too..

    4. Practice makes perfect! Our final essay should be the best one. At least, I hope so.

    5. I did too once write an argumentative essay back in highschool. So, I was not new to the subject as well

    6. I prefer the "persuasive" essay rather than the "argumentative" name. That is what I learned my class growing up. Go out with a boom brother, make your final a great one!

  4. Test #4 was okay for me. I did not do well in the sense of citing my work in the actual essay. Next time though, I will definitely take the time to cite properly. I learned a lot from my research in home-schooling through personal interviews, online seminars (audio), blogs, and articles of benefits and disadvantages. The topic was very interesting.

    1. I know we both can improve in citing sources.

    2. Same here, need to work on citing by references and sources.

    3. Citing sources is a difficult task. I, too, took my time citing because I did not want to make any mistakes. Plagiarism is a important problem.

    4. We all can improve in citing sources, and there is always easybib to help us out.

    5. I agree, I learned a lot from my essay as well. I was very surprised with the statistics on car accidents that I found.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Test #4 was very fun for me. It was an argumentative essay. My topic was " All animal experimentation should be outlawed." I learned a lot of information during the research. As an animal lover, I am so glad that I had a chance to write this essay to tell people to stop animal experimentation. Today's class was short and we all shared our topics.

    1. Animal experimentation is cruel and should be stopped.

    2. I agree too, animal experimentation should be stopped and should be outlawed.

    3. Great topic! I agree, animal experimentation should stop immediately!

    4. This essay was also fun for me. I also agree that animal experimentation should be outlawed.

    5. I am happy you had a lot of fun in your argumentative essay Kim. We should love animals, experimenting on them is cruel. I need to read more research but I stand beside you on stop animal experimentation.

    6. I agree, that is a great topic to write about. I hope I can read it again. For me, the essay was also fun to write

  7. My preparation for test #4 was similar to test #3. It was fair as I knew what I wanted to write about but incorporating the many different sources to the essay. Therefore, for our final exam paper I have more of the time to prepare and will do better. As for today's activities, it was short but was interesting to listen everyone's topics for test #4.

    1. Hope we all will do better in the final exam.

    2. I will also prepare and will do better for out final exam

  8. Test #4 was quite challenging for me. I didn't know what to do, say or even how to begin, but I did learn a lot about my topic. I tried my best to follow the stages and brainstorm as much as possible. Next time, I will make sure to have more time to prepare for my test. Today's class was very short. It was nice listening to what others wrote about.

    1. I learned a lot about my topic, too, Cathrina. I like the research process, but writing it down in a persuasive way is hard for me to do. I keep going back and forth with my argument.

  9. I had difficulty writing my essay. I picked the topic about censorship and who control the flow of information. It’s very controversial. I kept going back and forth comparing the US and China, and since we had to research, citing information was a challenge. I had to look at older essays to see how it is done. I am glad this essay is over!

  10. Test #4 was challenging for me. I pretty much had no time because I had work, and I get home pretty late. So, I did not have time to prepare for the essay. I have done a persuasive essay before in high school, and I find it complicated. I am not a big fan of research paper honestly because I find it hard to put what I read into my own words especially to an essay and having to cite my work. I just like essays that are based on my own opinion and knowledge about the topic. The writing process worksheet saved my day again though, Organizing first what I needed for the essay was a big help. Today's class was awesome! It was nice listening to peoples essay, and we were able to finish class fast

    1. I agree, research papers take time and concentration

  11. I was honestly prepared for test#4 because i had researched about my topic beforehand. Some of the things that helped me is researching and making a general outline. Today's class session was good overall. We only discussed about the thesis and what we learned about topics. It was very nice to listen to peoples opinions about their topic. Class was also very short, but it was fun.

  12. Test #4 was tricky and a bit hard for me. I had to do a lot of research about my topic and cite sources. It started getting easier when I created a list of positive and negative effects about my topic. Then when I did my outline it sorta created my introduction, body, and conclusion.

  13. Test #4 Was my worst test.
    I'm not so much into argumentative essays. I'm Not really Good At it. I had to ask my brothers for help and i don't usually ask them. But thankfully, They helped me and i finished it before due date.. but then my car had a flat tire while i was heading up to school. So i didn't turn it in on time, but gladly since our teacher is the best she accepted it even if it was late :)
