EN100 Fall Intersession 2013

EN100 Fall Intersession 2013
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Reflection - Narrative Essay – Dec. 27

Visit URL: http://mnrivera1.com/Four_Major_Essays.pdf  In your own words, discuss what a narrative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which narrative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #2. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A narrative is a personal essay, talking about something familiar to the writer. I would choose the 'All about you' topic, because it would be the easiest subject. I would talk about my experience winning Miss Universe Guam and going to Moscow, Russia to represent Guam in the International Miss Universe pageant. Today was a productive class. I now have a better understanding on effective/ineffective topic sentences.

    1. I would love to hear more about your adventure to Moscow!

    2. I also would write the about me essay, and also I would like to hear about Moscow as well.

    3. I would love to hear it too!

    4. i would also like to hear about your personal experience about moscow

    5. I am pretty sure your trip to Moscow is very interesting.

    6. It is amazing to have a classmate who wins the Miss Universe Guam! I can find your information in Chinese website! I am eager to hear your experience in Moscow!

  2. A narrative essay is a written account of an experience. It could be the first time you went to school or a Christmas that was unforgettable. It should hook the reader in and make them feel as if they have also experienced your story.I would choose to write about my experience working as a backstage crew member in a play. I learned to write an excellent topic sentence with a good subject and focus.

    1. I agree, I also think the reader should be very interested in your story, and I would like to hear about your experience as a backstage crew member for a play.

    2. I agree that the essay should hook the readers in what you experienced personally. I have also learned how to write better topic sentences with a good subject and focus

    3. I agree with you as well. Wow working backstage in a play is awesome because they are the ones who make it all happen..if you really think about it!

    4. Whenever I read a good narrative, there always seems to be a luring opening for the reader to either relate to or want to read on. I agree--strong introductions with good openings lead me to read the essay until the conclusion.

    5. Good job Josh! I always enjoy your brain stretchers! I know if I was to read an essay from you that I would enjoy it as well! Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and creativity with us all.

  3. A narrative essay is when an author tells a story in the first person point of view. For my narrative essay I will write about is my "All About Me" essay. The reason is that there are many things to know about me, such as my passionate for art to my unpredictable personality. Either way this essay is a good opportunity to get to know me better.

    As for today's lesson, I got to learn more about what is an effective and ineffective thesis or topic sentence.

    1. I like the topic that you chose because i'm also doing the same. I also feel like it's a really good way for the class to get to know each other. I've also learned the same in today's class session

    2. I agree that a narrative essay is usually told from the first person point of view, but what about a story told by another person about you? Is that also a narrative, but told from a different point of view? Either way, the story should be a good one, though the interpretations may be somewhat different. I look forward to reading about your unpredictable personality ... is it the arts in you?

    3. I also chose this same topic. I think it would be the easiest

  4. A narrative essay if often about one telling a story. A narrative essay makes the writer express himself in a creative and personal way. The topic that i would select is the all about me because i can best explain myself personally. Today was a great session in class and i have learned the ineffective and effective usages of the topic sentence.

    1. I had some errors indicating if a sentence was ineffective or effective in the beginning, but now I know how to label them since we had so much practice.

    2. Yeah, ineffective or effective was a tricky one! It will become easier to us if we keep practicing.

    3. Yes, today's class lesson was tricky, but we will get better with more practice

    4. Thank you ... topic sentences are important, though I have issues trying to decide what a topic sentence actually is. Can a topic sentence also be two sentences or maybe a several that will discuss the paragraph, or must it be one only? I think that writing is like other art forms and that authors can break classroom tradition. I think I need to revisit the discussion about effective topic sentences.

  5. Forming a strong subject topic statement or thesis is needed for all writing. I would describe it as the foundation or root for a house or tree. Good foundations can lead to skyscrapers and good roots can lead to red wood trees. We have to select strong topics that allow various room for support and growth.

    1. It is true how a topic sentence can be compared to a foundation of a tree. I have wrote essays in the past that fell apart because the foundation was weak.

    2. I agree man, that is an interesting way of looking at an essay, a strong topic statement is a great foundation.

    3. I agree that all you need for writing is a strong subject and topic statement.I also agree that strong topic sentences allow various room for support and growth

    4. I agree that in order to form a strong subject, a good and detailed support are much needed to make the essay very interesting

    5. I like your analogy, Kyle. I am wondering, though: Can a topic sentence be very simply constructed and short so that the support is lengthy and strong? I am thinking of Ernest Hemingway's Old Man & the Sea. He uses short topic sentences, and then discusses his points in the paragraph. I like that style of writing. Maybe this will lead to the growth you discuss above.

  6. A narrative essay basically is telling a store to the reader. I would probably pick the "all about me" essay because it's easier to explain yourself than you can explain anyone else. I'm also glad that today we went over effective and ineffective topics in writing. It is a useful tool to write better and concise essays in the future.

    1. It is easier to explain especially since you don't have to research but just write the things that happened in your life. It is a great tool!

    2. I also choose the same topic. It is easy for me to write about myself.

  7. A narrative essay can be anecdotal, experiential, and personal. I would select an encounter that changed your life because during my senior year before basketball season I got injured and had to get knee surgery which prevented me from playing my last season of high school basketball. This changed my life because it made me understand that everything happens for a reason and to trust God for what he has planned for you. If I didn't have knee surgery I wouldn't have joined the Miss Guam World pageant, winning, and representing Guam in Bali, Indonesia. So I'm thankful for having knee surgery and not playing basketball because it led me to where I am today.

    1. A road block in life does not mean you are held back, but life has a greater route for you.

    2. Everything happens for a reason, not to make your life miss opportunities, but to make you better opportunities for your future ahead.

    3. God gave you this life because you are strong enough handle it

    4. Wow! Very interesting story Camarin! Thank you for sharing that and that is a really positive attitude you have. I love sports and actually I got injured playing rugby not too long ago. I'm praying God will heal me, but mostly that he will lead me to wherever he wants me to go. Congratulations on winning and representing Guam for all of us!!! Thank you for sharing this encouraging story!

    5. I also believe there is always a reason for everything that happens. And I am so interested in your experience.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree, I think your essay should expose your thoughts to the reader, like an opening to completely understanding the reader him/herself.

  9. A narrative essay is a story you tell your audience that has happened to you. It exposes your thoughts and feelings and will often teach a valuable lesson to others. The narrative topic I would pick is an event that marked a turning point in my life because I have had an awful experience that made me open up my heart and mind to the real world. Today was a great day in class. I learned about effective and ineffective topic sentences.

    1. I agree with you
      a narrative essay can exposes your thoughts and feelings and also teaches a valuable lesson to others

    2. I agree. A narrative essay often teach a valuable lesson. I am sure I will learn a lesson from your essay.

  10. A narrative essay refers to a written composition whose story is told from a defined point of view. This point of view is commonly the writer's and hence has feeling of specific and sensory details given to make the reader get involved in the elements and the sequence of the story.

    1. I agree, sensory details should always be used for narrative essays.

  11. A narrative essay is a story based on experience. It should be something that the reader might find interesting that can make them read more about the essay. For my narrative essay, the topic I choose is the All about you topic. I chose this topic because I know myself well enough which will make it easy for me to write about the essay. I would also now might sharing a little bit of something about myself in class.

    For today's lessson, I got to expand my knowledge about effective and ineffective topic sentence which i can use later on in my other classes

    1. i Also agree !
      A narrative can be based on experience .

    2. I would also do not mind sharing a little bit of something about myself in class****

  12. A narrative essay is about a personal experience or a story. A narrative essay should be in first person point of view. When we write a narrative essay, we need to tell readers when the story happened, who is the character, and where the story happened. For the narrative essay, I will write the an event that marked a turning point in my life. Immigrating to the United States is a most important turning point in my life. The event changes my life and ideas a lot.
    In today's class, I learn how to write the controlling idea. The topic sentence should be effective. It cannot be too broad, vague and narrow.

    1. I Agree !
      Narrative essay comes from personal experince

    2. Thank you for sharing Han. I see your writing is getting more detailed and bold. Keep up the good work! And I am glad I get to be in your class for intersession.

  13. A narrative essay is to tell a story about something that happened to you or an event that means a lot to you. I would like to choose the "All about me" topic. I think it is easier for me to tell my story in an interesting way because I know myself more than anyone else. For today's lesson, I learned to write an effective controlling idea, and an effective controlling statement is called topic sentence. I should state my controlling idea and support it in my essay.

    1. All about me topic is actually a very good one. I was writing mine and i realized that it wasn't that easy for me to write about myself. I personally don't like to talk about myself which makes the essay a challenge for me, I get real picky about what I should say about myself. Why should I worry about what I say about myself?

  14. A narrative essay can be a story or an informative report. Narratives share the author's viewpoint, personal, or experience. A narrative essay has a purpose and conclusion. Be sure to make your point clear as the author, and be wise on the language you use in order to really bring out your reader's senses and emotions. I am having a hard time choosing which topic I would go for since more than a few are actually exciting topics. I might go with a historic event.

    1. Your information about a narrative essay is really helpful. It seems like you had hard time to choose your topic, but i am sure you will do well in this essay.

  15. I will now do an encounter that changed my life for a narrative essay!
